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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

COCONUT OIL: The Ultimate Shaving Moisturizer

Shaving is a burden most women can relate to. Even with the best shavers, and the best creams, there remains the tedious duty of shaving itself. But when that job results in the smoothest legs, that work becomes well worth it.

In the past, when I shaved, I would get smooth skin, but would end up with dry skin. Even when I used shaving creams infused with all sorts of moisturizers and lotions, the dry skin would come afterwards. After watching a news segment on home remedies for beauty secrets, I decided to find my own remedy for my legs.

My experiment began with a jar of 100% organic Coconut Oil. I rubbed the oil onto my dry arms and legs. The oil moisturizes the skin almost instantly. Next, I took my favorite shaving cream and spread the cream over the coconut oil. It takes a little effort to rub the two substances together but eventually they’ll blend. Lastly, I used my shaving razor and shaved my arms and legs as normal. The results blew my mind.

The skin was smooth and soft like silk sheets, even an hour after shaving. There was no ashy white skin in need of lotion, and no rough skin surface from the previous shaving. My arms felt as if I had never grown hair a day in my life.

Amazed by the results, I decided to research why the coconut oil made such as difference to my skin, according to, it’s all in the science. The website explains it best,

“Predominantly, these saturated fats (in the oil) are medium chain fatty acids or triglycerides. When applied on the skin, they keep it smooth to the touch. Due to the presence of these fats, coconut oil also retains the moisture content of the skin, as the fats eliminate moisture loss through the pores on the skin. When ingested through the regular consumption of coconut oil, these fats deposit under the skin, thus keeping it healthy and smooth, giving it an even tone and reducing the appearance of the pores” (Anonymous, 2009).

So there you have it, ladies, the secret to legs like Venus. Next time you run to the store, grab a jar of Coconut Oil and begin to enjoy the smoothest and healthiest skin you have ever experienced!


Coconut Oil for Skin | Organic Facts. (2009, January 11).

 Hendricks, S. (2015, October 12). 18 Cool Ways You Never Knew You Could Use Coconut Oil - Retrieved October 14, 2015.